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Grain Storage

Objective: Maintain quality in storage. Enable traceability along the supply chain with adequate records.


Meeting the Requirments


  • Maintain quality in storage to meet market requirements by using good hygiene, aeration and pest control strategies.

  • Prevent contamination of grain from previous uses of storages, trucks and equipment. Clean storages after grain is removed, check, clean before refilling with grain to ensure storage has no insects, fertiliser or other contaminants.

  • Undertake pest control in facilities fit for purpose. eg fumigations are conducted in gas-tight, sealable storages.

  • Ensure any contractors used to fumigate storages are licenced fumigators operating in accordance with the Australian Fumigation Standard.

  • Consider and manage the safety risks of working in confined spaces and at heights.

  • After the fumigation period remove all fumigant material as per label requirements (eg spent aluminium phosphide).

  • Declare all use of post-harvest treatments and comply with industry codes and stewardship programs to avoid double/excess treatment further along the supply chain that may cause residue limits to be exceeded.

  • Meet requirements specified in contracts for maximum residue limits (MRLs) and pest control measures.

  • Prevent grain being contaminated by structural treatments and grain protectants in breach of MRLs.

  • Manage chemical use as detailed in the chemical sections of this guide.


Other Practices to Consider in Your Grain Farming Enterprise


  • Developing a clear plan for grain storage, transport and delivery that identifies and manages the risks described in the Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice.

  • Maintaining hygiene and management of silos, stores and surrounds with regular inspection and maintenance

  • Monitoring stored grain at least monthly according to the level of food and feed safety risk, including: temperature, moisture, mould, insect, bird or rodent contamination, damage to the facility and site hygiene.

  • Managing grain temperature and moisture to be in optimum range for storage quality and protectant efficacy.

  • Aerating and closely monitoring grains stored with high moisture content.

  • Managing resistance risks in pest control, including integrated pest management, rotating grain protectants with other options, collecting and testing survivors of treatment failure.

  • Documenting procedures and treatments.

  • Following industry best practice protocols and resistance management strategies for grain storage.

  • Using storages that:

    • Meet effective hygiene standards and are aerated where practicable.

    • Are designed so they can be effectively cleaned.

  • Choosing sealable, gas-tight silo designs that meet Australian Standard AS2628 if installing new or retrofitting silos.

  • Keeping records of silo testing and inspections.

  • Ensuring that any fumigations are:

    • In sealable, gas-tight silos that are inspected, maintained and pressure tested at least annually. Compliance plates may be fitted after testing.

    • Certified by fumigator, with the certification valid within 100 days of delivery (including start & finish time and venting period).

    • Monitored for temperature and gas concentration.

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