Harvest and Handling
Objective: Minimise risks of contamination and fire during harvest. Grain hygiene, quality and integrity are maintained to meet standards.
Meeting the Requirments
Comply with state boundary and local area clean down requirements for harvester transport.
Use cleaning methods that effectively decontaminate from the prior use, particularly before the start of harvest.
Comply with fire risk harvesting restrictions and regulations eg SA's Grain Harvesting Code of Practice.
Ensure appropriate clean down procedures are used between harvesting of GM and non-GM crops. These are described in the Harvesting Clean Down Guidelines - Canola.
Other Practices to Consider in Your Grain Farming Enterprise
Making formal agreements with contractors and conducting pre-harvest inductions and discussions with staff and contractors including procedures, risks, safety, etc.
Testing grain moisture, protein and other quality parameters during harvest to meet market requirements.
Segregating by variety, classification, specialty traits and season of production may add value.
Collecting and retaining representative samples for grain quality testing by paddock.
Cleaning grain to suit market needs may add value.
Managing grain drying to preserve grain quality to meet market needs.
Minimising risk of contamination in handling equipment. For example, use designated augers for specific purposes, or another system to avoid cross-contamination. Augers used for zinc phosphide or pickled grain can not be used for grain to be marketed.
Understanding risk of fire with modern machinery, especially with oilseed and pulse crops and manage to match weather conditions.