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Objective: Manage nutrient inputs with minimal impacts on the environment. Prevent fertiliser contamination of harvested grain.


Meeting the Requirments


  • To avoid a breach of maximum residue limits (MRL) in harvested grain, prevent grain from mixing with fertilisers or other contaminants. Ensure trucks, augers, silos and any other equipment used to handle non-grain products or treated grain are thoroughly clean before using for grain.

  • Evidence of meeting the EU’s 2018 emissions savings requirements have been approved at a state level, emissions evidence at individual farm level is not required

  • Pulse crops should not be sold for sprouting if they have been grown in paddocks that have
    had animal manure or biosolid applications in the past two years.


Other Practices to Consider in Your Grain Farming Enterprise


  • Using soil and plant tissue tests to inform your nutrition program. Use a laboratory that has Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC) certification and ideally also National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditation. NorthSouthWest.

  • Matching fertiliser rates to crop demand and paddock history.

  • Carefully timing fertiliser applications and using application methods and fertiliser placement that will minimise nutrient losses to the atmosphere (nitrous oxide emissions), run-off or deep leaching.

  • Keeping records of the date of fertiliser application, fertiliser type, application rate and details from the fertiliser delivery docket - such as the date and point of dispatch.

  • Checking that fertilisers and soil additives are of adequate quality to be effective and free of excess contamination (eg heavy metals such as cadmium) that could later contaminate grain. For example, request a chemical analysis, batch number and quality assurance statement from the supplier.

  • Using a suitably qualified agronomist eg a Fertcare® Accredited Adviser.

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